
Version 22 (modified by Dirk Stöcker, 10 years ago) (diff)

Add translation link.

Reddit-style voting on Trac resources


This plugin adds a context-navigation entry, that lets users easily vote for a Trac resource, including Wiki pages, tickets, milestones, etc.

If a user has a valid session (created through the Preferences panel) and the VOTE_MODIFY permission, he/she will be able to vote.

Since tracvote-0.2 there are some WikiMacros available in addition to example TracReports on the votes db table.


Please help to translate the plugin into your language:

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for VotePlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


Download the zipped source from [download:voteplugin here].


You can check out VotePlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


Note: Documentation has been updated to already reflect features of current trunk development branch, that is in preparation for next stable release tracvote-0.2. To get the best first-time experience you may wish to try the release candidate right now. But beware, that there is no down-grade support, while upgrading from previous plugin versions has been tested on different db back-ends and should work flawlessly.

Install the plugin:


If you get "error: Unexpected HTML page found at", update setuptools:

sudo easy_install -U setuptools

Add the following to the [components] section of trac.ini:

tracvote.* = enabled

Configure the list of URL paths to allow voting on in trac.ini. Globs are supported.

paths = 

Grant users the VOTE_VIEW and VOTE_MODIFY permission where appropriate.


  • VOTE_MODIFY inherits view permission since tracvote-0.1.5.
  • Since tracvote-0.2 a default set of permissions is configured once after creating the Trac database table for this plugin.

Probably you'll need to run:

trac-admin /path/to/projenv upgrade

You will also need to restart your webserver for the plugin to be available, appear in the list of those installed, have the perms available, etc.

Example SQL statements for creating useful reports for tickets and wiki pages are included in SqlQueryForReport.txt in the plugin source.


Recent Changes

17589 by rjollos on 2019-11-23 19:04:54
TracVote 0.8.0dev: Bump version after release

The latest release has been published to pypi:TracVote/0.7.0

Fixes #13685.

17588 by rjollos on 2019-11-23 19:02:32
TracVote 0.7.0: Add classifiers metadata

Refs #13685.

16956 by rjollos on 2017-11-04 06:45:53
TracVote 0.7.0dev: Use list literal

Refs #13324.



Author: athomas
Maintainer: rjollos, hasienda
Contributors: k0s, PeterLawrence

Attachments (1)

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