[[PageOutline(2-5,Contents,pullout)]] = Character Entity Macro == Description The !EntityMacro package returns HTML 4.01 numeric character entity references from their corresponding names. The character entity data is straight out of the DTD for HTML 4.01, so if there are errors or ommissions, please refer to the [http://www.w3.org/ W3C]. See: [http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/sgml/entities.html Character entity references in HTML 4] for more information. Calling the macro like so: `[[Entity(name)]]` returns the value. If no name matches, it returns an empty string. Names are case-sensitive, in other words, `aacute` is not the same code point as `Aacute`. Keyword syntax is also supported: `[[Entity(name=name)]]`. The macro is useful in any [WikiFormatting wiki formatted] page. Also see the WikiGoodiesPlugin, which supports smileys, HTML 4.0 entities (named entities and numerical entities), automatic replacement of common text idioms by their corresponding symbols, such as arrows, fractions, etc. == Source * Browse the source at: [http://github.com/dwclifton/tracentitymacro/tree/master GitHub]. * Public clone URL: {{{#!sh git clone git://github.com/dwclifton/tracentitymacro.git }}} == Installation Download the zipped [export:/entitymacro/0.11 source]. Unzip the archive to a temporary location, visit the 0.11 directory and run: {{{#!sh python setup.py bdist_egg cp dist/*.egg /trac/env/Project/plugins }}} == Configuration Enable the macro in your `/trac/env/Project/conf/trac.ini` file: {{{#!ini [components] entity.* = enabled }}} You may have to restart your Web server. == Examples {{{ [[Entity(raquo)]] [[Entity(name=raquo)]] }}} Both of these examples will return `»`, the guillemet `ยป`. == Recent Changes [[ChangeLog(entitymacro, 3)]] == Author/Contributors '''Author:''' [wiki:dwclifton] [[BR]] '''Maintainer:''' [[Maintainer]] [[BR]] '''Contributors:''' The Trac and Python community.