Changes between Version 121 and Version 122 of TimingAndEstimationPlugin

Nov 24, 2015, 9:28:56 AM (8 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos

Use project-relative links, TracLinks and ImageMacro.


  • TimingAndEstimationPlugin

    v121 v122  
    2020 * Trac >= 0.10
    2121   * '''Because we are using ITicketChangeListener this plugin is only compatible with Trac >= 0.10'''
    22    * if you wish to use Trac < 0.10, please use
     22   * if you wish to use Trac < 0.10, please use [trac:TimeTracking]
    2323 * Database, should support all three major open source databases:
    2424  * SQLite3 >= 3.6.8, required for SAVEPOINT calls to work
    6767 * [/svn/timingandestimationplugin/branches/trac0.12 SVN Trac 0.12]
    6868 * [/svn/timingandestimationplugin/branches/trac0.12-Permissions SVN Trac 0.12]
    69   * [ Email Notifications are currently unaffected by permissions]
     69  * [#10318 Email Notifications are currently unaffected by permissions]
    7070 * [/svn/timingandestimationplugin/branches/trac0.11 SVN Trac 0.11 branch]
    7171  * Trac 0.11 has inconsistent database and transaction management that has been fixed in Trac 0.12, see #8363.
    132132 * [wiki:TimeEstimationUserManual#Configuration] has section about configuring permission if you are using the permission enabled branch
    134 '''[ Email Notifications are currently unaffected by permissions]'''
     134'''[#10318 Email Notifications are currently unaffected by permissions]'''
    136136=== Post Commit Hooks
    150150== Patches
    152  * #3081 - [ Extra remaining hours after the ticket is closed inconsistency]
    153  * #5195 - [ Patch to allow development time and time spend writing automated tests to be tracked separately on the same ticket]
    154  * #7142 - [ Patch to allow internal checkbox to be easily removed]
     152 * #3081 - [attachment:ticket:3081:reports.patch Extra remaining hours after the ticket is closed inconsistency]
     153 * #5195 - [/attachment:ticket:5195:timingandestimation.patch Patch to allow development time and time spend writing automated tests to be tracked separately on the same ticket]
     154 * #7142 - [/attachment:ticket:7142:timingandestimation.diff Patch to allow internal checkbox to be easily removed]
    155155 * #7688 - [ Patch (for Mylyn) integrating TimingAndEstimationPlugin with Eclipse Mylyn ]
    181181'''Maintainer:''' [[Maintainer]] [[BR]]
    183  * [ Aquafold] has provided a license to their excellent Aqua Data Studio application to help further development
    184 {{{#!html
    185 <br />
    186 <img src="" />
    187 }}}
    189  * [ Obsidian Software] sponsored the work to create a permission enabled branch
    190 {{{#!html
    191 <br />
    192 <a href="" >
    193 <img src="" />
    194 </a>
    195 }}}
    196  * Alessio Massaro: wiki:masariello
    197    * Helped Get Reports working in postgres and started moving toward generic work rather than hours
    198  *
    199    * helped postgresql database backend compatibility
    200  * Jonas Borgstrom : t:wiki:JonasBorgstrom
    201    * made it so that base_url was unnecessary
    202  * [wiki:coling Colin Guthrie]
    203    * Refactored custom reports stuff into a single class/module that can be copied to other plugins, to make interaction with T&E easier.
    204  * David Abrahams
    205    * Trac.11 - Stream filters to prettify the Reports Screen and make !TotalHours not editable
    206  * Tay Ray Chuan
    207    * Added a stopwatch to the ticket pages
    208  * Josh Godsiff, for [ Oxide Interactive]
    209    * added props table client reformatting to remove extra whitespace
     183* [ Aquafold] has provided a license to their excellent Aqua Data Studio application to help further development
     185 [[Image(TimeEstimationUserManual:Aqua_Fold_Logo_16color.gif)]]
     186* [ Obsidian Software] sponsored the work to create a permission enabled branch
     188 [[Image(TimeEstimationUserManual:obsidian-logo.gif)]]
     189* Alessio Massaro: wiki:masariello
     190 * Helped Get Reports working in postgres and started moving toward generic work rather than hours
     192 * helped postgresql database backend compatibility
     193* Jonas Borgstrom : t:wiki:JonasBorgstrom
     194 * made it so that base_url was unnecessary
     195* [wiki:coling Colin Guthrie]
     196 * Refactored custom reports stuff into a single class/module that can be copied to other plugins, to make interaction with T&E easier.
     197* David Abrahams
     198 * Trac.11 - Stream filters to prettify the Reports Screen and make !TotalHours not editable
     199* Tay Ray Chuan
     200 * Added a stopwatch to the ticket pages
     201* Josh Godsiff, for [ Oxide Interactive]
     202 * added props table client reformatting to remove extra whitespace