[[PageOutline(2-5,Contents,pullout)]] = Trac Google Search Plugin {{{ #!rst TracGoogleSearch_ is a trac_ plugin which enables your trac_ environment to use Google_'s Adsense_ For Search on the mini search box displayed on top. **Note:** Regular trac_ search won't be disabled, the users must click the *"Search"* button to access it, and will only show up and work if user has ``SEARCH_VIEW`` permissions, unlike this plugin, which does not require any special permissions since it's querying Google_ not trac_. Installation ------------ Installing the plugin is as easy as:: sudo easy_install TracGoogleSearch And then enabling it: .. code-block:: ini [components] tracext.google.search.* = enabled And that's it! Configuration ------------- In order to use this plugin you must first create a custom search engine on your Adsense_ account, configure it like you want it and choose to display the results on a page on your own website. If you wish Google_ to show results relative to the domain of your trac_ environment, on your Adsense_ account, edit your search engine settings, choose *"view more advanced features"*, select *"Search the entire web but emphasize included sites"* and then under *"Sites"* add your trac_ environment domain. From the resulting code that Google_ provides we'll need the values from the hidden fields named, **cx** and **cof**, ie, your client id and search id strings. Consider the following example code: .. code-block:: text/html The values you'll need to remember would be **partner-pub-0000000000000000:0aaaa0aaa00a** and **FORID:1**, the rest of the code will be provided by the plugin. The plugin can then be configured on trac_'s administration panel, under the section **Google** and then **Search**. Bugs and/or New Features ------------------------ Please submit bugs of new features to:: http://google.ufsoft.org/ Source Code ----------- If you wish to be on the bleeding edge and get the latest available code: .. code-block:: sh hg clone http://google.ufsoft.org/hg/search/ TracGoogleSearch **Note**: For up-to-date documentation please visit TracGoogleSearch_'s site. .. _trac: http://trac.edgewall.org .. _TracGoogleSearch: http://google.ufsoft.org/wiki/TracGoogleSearch .. _Google: http://www.google.com .. _Adsense: https://www.google.com/adsense/ }}} This plugin is also available on [pypi:TracGoogleSearch PyPi].