)]] === News for 2006-03-17 === * With the arrival of the HackInstallPlugin imminent, I have added dependencies to the NewHack form. If your hack requires another to function correctly, just check the appropriate box. This will allow the HackInstallPlugin to automatically fulfill dependencies. === News for 2006-03-13 === * Switched to using the new [tags:browser:support/trac/tags-plugin tags plugin]. Among other things, this exposes ticket keywords as tags. === News for 2006-03-11 === * Updated to latest trunk, which includes [http://www.python.org/doc/peps/pep-0333/ WSGI] support. * Due to the integration of WSGI, I have re-enabled the XmlRpcPlugin. You can see the list of exported methods [http://trac-hacks.org/xmlrpc here]. === News for 2006-02-01 === * Updated to latest trunk, which includes [trac:wiki:InterTrac InterTrac] support. I've configured Trac's Trac site under the name ''trac'' with the alias ''t''. This lets you easily reference tickets, changesets, etc. from the main Trac site. eg. #T123, [T2830] or t:TracHacks. [[html(
)]] = Welcome to Trac Hacks = The purpose of TracHacks is to provide free [http://subversion.tigris.org Subversion] hosting for community created [trac:WikiStart Trac] [http://catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/H/hack.html hacks]. TracHacks uses the excellent [http://dev.muness.textdriven.com/trac.cgi/wiki/tags tags hack], which adds basic categorisation to Trac. All hacks are tagged with one or more of the available [http://trac-hacks.org/tags tags]. = How to Contribute = I've tried to make this as simple as possible: 1. [http://trac-hacks.org/register Register] a user name then [http://trac-hacks.org/login login] (requires cookies). 1. Fill out the NewHack form. 1. Verify all the details for your new page are correct. 1. Commit your code to the provided Subversion URL[[BR]]''(alternatively you can simply attach your hack to your Wiki page, ala MacroBazaar, but remember that you can't delete or replace attachments)'' 1. Have a look at TracHackDevelopment. The TracHacks page contains more information, contact details, bug reports, enhancements, suggestions, etc. = How do I install these things? = Refer to [trac:TracPlugins the Trac plugin documentation] and [trac:MacroBazaar the MacroBazaar] for details on how to build and install plugins and macros, respectively. For other types please refer to the page of the hack you are installing for instructions. = Request-a-Hack = ''Can't find what you want [report:11 here] or in the MacroBazaar?'' [http://trac-hacks.org/newticket?component=Request-a-Hack&severity=enhancement Request-a-hack] and somebody might help you out. ''Bored? Got too much time on your hands?'' Take a look at the [report:12 outstanding request-a-hacks] and see if anything takes your fancy. == Vote for a Request-a-Hack == [[Poll(Which hack would you most like to see implemented?; [ticket:11 Structured comments suggestions]; [ticket:47 Extended Wiki formatting]; [ticket:67 Blog system as trac plugin]; [ticket:76 Export of wiki-Pages to one PDF-Document]; [ticket:81 FIT tests in tickets]; [ticket:107 tracwiki2msword ?]; [ticket:112 use rss for import of tickets from remote sites];[ticket:116 a command line tool for (remotely) automating the tracwiki editing])]] = Hacks = [[ListTypes]] = Miscellany = Using the GeneralLinkSyntaxPlugin, I have added several shortcuts for commonly used links: `download:hackname`, `google:search`, `trac:wikipage`, `trac-changeset:changeset` and `trac-ticket:ticket`. [wiki:user Registered users] of TracHacks. Hacks for Trac [wiki:0.8], [wiki:0.9] and [wiki:0.10]. [wiki:example Example] hacks. Adhering to the principle that one should [http://www.answers.com/topic/eat-one-s-own-dog-food eat one's own dog food], the following hacks are used on TracHacks:[[BR]] AccountManagerPlugin, AddCommentMacro, WikiGoodiesPlugin, FootNoteMacro, PollMacro, RefMacro, TocMacro, TracHacksPlugin and XmlRpcPlugin. = Tag Cloud = The tag cloud is a visual representation of tag frequency, similar to a histogram. I'm linking to the [http://trac-hacks.org/tags tag index] to reduce system load.