= hasienda = * name: Steffen Hoffmann * e-mail: hoff . st [at] web . de {{{ #!html Ohloh profile for Steffen Hoffmann }}} I'm an engineer with strong ambitions in the field of Open Source Software especially running Debian GNU/Linux, which I apply for private as well as business use. Trac was a promising platform to provide end user support as well as to assist in making better technical documentation involving similar-minded coworkers. My work on plugins for Trac is all dedicated to make trac-0.12 work smoothly and looking nicely (with focus on German localization). I started with fixing a bug or another just to please current and potential users of Trac environments I've setup in commercial environment. I'm new to Python, but enjoy to simply make things happen. I like many of these great projects here on trac-hacks.org and I'm eager to learn more from all the clever people and their contributions. Besides I'm contributing to !OpenStreetMap.org and - well I've got to take care for my real life with a family in the first place. WiP * extensible wiki rename support for WikiRenamePlugin, however consider switching to and improving native support in Trac * optional encryption of AnnouncerPlugin's e-mail messages * [t:wiki:TracTicketsCustomTimeFields custom time field support] for Trac Contribution done to [[ListTagged(hasienda)]] {{{ #!comment # why dosen't this work? [[ListTagged('hasienda' realm:ticket)]] }}} [[TagIt(user)]]