
Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#6164 new enhancement

Enhancement Request: Right to Left Support

Reported by: mohammad.dabiri@… Owned by: Jun Omae
Priority: normal Component: TracWysiwygPlugin
Severity: normal Keywords: Right-to-left RTL
Cc: Itamar Ostricher Trac Release: 0.11


We use track in a multi-lingual environment. The lack of RTL support makes reading text written in some languages extremely cumbersome. It would be very useful to be able to switch between the two modes in this editor. I understand that this would ideally depend on the trac API offering adequate RTL support but it also seems like something that could be added via this otherwise invaluable plugin.

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comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Itamar Ostricher

Cc: Itamar Ostricher added; anonymous removed

I have started deploying Trac in my organization (~100 users, most not so fluent in the ways of the wiki), and one of the biggest adoption barriers is the "unfriendliness" of the (raw-)wiki-editor.

When I discovered TracWysiwygPlugin it seemed like salvation in the form of a wysiwyg wiki editor, but alas, about 95% of our content is Right-To-Left...

We are using a template for new pages that goes something like:

#div dir="rtl"
= כותרת =

which works great as long as we stay in the realm of textarea editor, but in wysiwyg mode, the "div" is treated as code block, which pretty much wipes out all hope for RTL wysiwyg...

I understand that more comprehensive support for RTL-languages is needed from core Trac (see for a ticket on that issue), but I still wonder whether it will be possible to achieve a usable RTL-wysiwyg in a shorter time-span.

The feature is important for my organization, and I am willing to contribute as much as my skills will allow (which is not much), if only I had the slightest idea how to start...

By the way, I am guessing that v0.12 is probably the relevant Trac release now, as it officially includes i18n and L10n.

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by Itamar Ostricher

Found a workaround that works for me.

Using the DirClassMacro you can right-align using [[RTL]]-[[LTR]] blocks, which work even in Wysiwyg mode.

While editing, you can use the "change direction" feature that browsers offer for text areas (right-hand-side ctrl+shift in IE & Chrome, or "Switch text direction" in Firefox context menu).

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