Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of CloudPlugin

Jan 28, 2011, 10:43:06 PM (13 years ago)
Rob Guttman



  • CloudPlugin

    v19 v20  
    148 Whoa!  The {{{fields}}} option is a list of those chef attributes (aka fields) where you want to provide either a display name, a format handler, or both.  So for example, {{{ec2.instance_type as Instance Type}}} above will use 'Instance Type' wherever the name of the {{{ec2.instance_type}}} field is to be displayed.
     148Whoa!  The {{{fields}}} option is a list of those chef attributes (aka fields) where you want to provide either a display name, a format handler, or both.  So for example, {{{ec2.instance_type as Instance Type}}} above will use 'Instance Type' wherever the name of the {{{ec2.instance_type}}} field is to be displayed.  This {{{as}}} notation should be familiar to those who have written Trac report SQL (although no quotes should be used here).
    150150Only slightly more complicated are handlers to format fields.  So for example, {{{ohai_time_ as Last Check-in < AgoEpochHandler}}} has a display name as we've seen plus the {{{< AgoEpochHandler}}} directs the plugin to use a specific handler to format the {{{ohai_time}}} field's value.  In this example, the {{{AgoEpochHandler}}} handler converts an epoch to a string format such as "0:08:36 ago" meaning "8 minutes and 36 seconds ago" as shown in the screenshot above.  But wait, what's up with the underscore after the {{{ohai_time_}}}?  In most cases when using a handler, you should postfix the field's name with an underscore ({{{_}}}) so that the re-formatted value doesn't get written back to the field's value.  ''[I'm likely to get rid of the underscore business to make it simpler, but that's what it is for now. - rhg]''  See the {{{}}} file for a full list of provided field handlers.