
Version 7 (modified by figaro, 8 years ago) (diff)

Further cosmetic changes

Create graphical reports using the Dygraphs charting library


This plugin is based on Rob Guttman's Visualization Plugin, except that it uses the MIT-licensed Dygraphs charting library, instead of the Google Visualization API.

This means that it can be legally used offline, which the Google APIs don't allow. There are corporate Trac installations that for various reasons can't be connected to the Internet.

Tested with Trac 0.12 and 1.0.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for DygraphsVisualizationPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


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Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out DygraphsVisualizationPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.

Once installed, enable graphical output for a particular report in the trac.ini file:

reports = 10
options = width:1000,height:400

Customise options for a particular report:

options = plotter:barChartPlotter,labels:labels,colors:['red','orange','green'],includeZero:true,animatedZooms:true,legend:'follow'

The options are generally passed directly to the Dygraphs library. To allow the labelsDiv option to be used effectively, the plugin inserts empty divs "dyviz_above" and "dyviz_below" above and below the chart, respectively.

Example graphs

Report the history of tickets open and closed

It is often useful to be able to generate reports that span a period of time, for monitoring the progress of a project.

Constructing such reports is not always straightforward. Here's an example of a report that plots the number of tickets that were opened and closed throughout the duration of the project. It also plots the growth of the "backlog": the number of currently-open tickets at that time.

Note that this query uses Common Table Expressions. These have only been present in SQLite since version 3.8.3. It will usually be necessary to update the version of SQLITE3.DLL in your Python installation's top-level DLLs folder to one compiled from SQLite 3.8.3 or later:

  cutoff_time(n, usec) AS
    -- January 1 1970 was a Thursday.
    -- We want to break at midnight between Sunday and Monday,
    -- which is why there is a 3-day offset in the timestamps calculation.
    (SELECT 0, 1e6 * (strftime('%s', 'now') -
               ((strftime('%s', 'now') + (86400 * 3)) % (86400 * 7)))
     SELECT n + 1, usec - (1e6 * 86400 * 7) FROM cutoff_time LIMIT 520),

  -- The following line stops Trac from limiting the output displayed
  -- on a single page (leave it in as a comment to do this):
  -- I don't think it works with Trac prior to version 1.0 though.

  open_time(id, usec) AS
    (SELECT id, time FROM ticket),

  close_time(id, usec) AS
    (SELECT ticket, MAX(time)
     FROM ticket_change
     WHERE field = 'status' AND newvalue = 'closed'
     GROUP BY ticket),

  num_closed(n, cnt) AS
    (SELECT n, COUNT(id)
     FROM cutoff_time
     JOIN close_time ON cutoff_time.usec > close_time.usec
     GROUP BY n),

  num_opened(n, cnt) AS
    (SELECT n, COUNT(id)
     FROM cutoff_time
     JOIN open_time ON cutoff_time.usec > open_time.usec
     GROUP BY n)

  date(cutoff_time.usec / 1e6, 'unixepoch') AS 'Date',
  num_opened.cnt - IFNULL(num_closed.cnt, 0) AS 'Backlog',
  num_opened.cnt AS 'Opened',
  IFNULL(num_closed.cnt, 0) AS 'Closed'
  FROM cutoff_time
  JOIN num_opened USING (n)
  LEFT OUTER JOIN num_closed USING (n)
  ORDER BY date

Report the number of open tickets with particular values of a custom field over time

Here is a more complex report that looks for tickets of type 'fault' that have a custom field 'safety_related'. At any time, this field can have one of three values that classify the safety status of the ticket: 'Not assessed', 'Safety related' or 'Not safety related'. The report plots the count of the number of open tickets with each safety status at the start of every week for the past three years:

  -- Select the time period of interest here, e.g. last three years.
  -- Includes a prediction of the status at the start of next week.
  period(n) AS
    (SELECT (strftime('%s', 'now') + (86400 * 7) -
               ((strftime('%s', 'now') + (86400 * 3)) % (86400 * 7)))
     SELECT n - (86400 * 7) FROM period LIMIT 156),


  -- Restrict query to a particular subset of tickets here:
  ticket_subset(id, time) AS
    (SELECT id, time / 1e6 FROM ticket
     WHERE type LIKE 'fault'),

  -- Select the custom field of interest here (in two places):
  custom_subset AS
    (SELECT ticket, value
     FROM ticket_custom
       WHERE name = 'safety_related'),
  change_subset AS
    (SELECT ticket, time, oldvalue, newvalue
     FROM ticket_change
       WHERE field = 'safety_related'),

  close_time(id, close) AS
    -- Open tickets are assigned a 'fake' close time of 1 week from now.
    (SELECT id, IFNULL(MAX(tch.time / 1e6), strftime('%s', 'now') + 86400 * 7)
     FROM ticket_subset
     LEFT JOIN ticket_change tch
     ON id = ticket AND field = 'status' AND newvalue = 'closed'
     GROUP BY id),

  initial_value(id, init, ctime) AS
              CASE WHEN tch.newvalue IS NULL THEN cu.value ELSE NULL END),
     FROM ticket_subset t
     JOIN custom_subset cu
       ON = cu.ticket
     LEFT JOIN change_subset tch
       ON = tch.ticket
     GROUP BY,

  current_value(n, id, value) AS
    (SELECT n,, IFNULL(ch.newvalue, i.init)
     FROM period
     JOIN close_time c, ticket_subset t
     ON = AND t.time <= n AND c.close > n
     LEFT JOIN change_subset ch
       ON = ch.ticket
       AND ch.time = (SELECT MAX(ch2.time) FROM change_subset ch2
                      WHERE = ch2.ticket
                        AND ch2.time / 1e6 <= n AND close > n)
     JOIN initial_value i
       ON = AND t.time <= n AND close > n
     GROUP BY n,

-- Edit here according to the actual field values:
SELECT date(p.n, 'unixepoch') AS 'Date',
  SUM(CASE WHEN value = 'Safety related' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
    AS 'Safety related',
  SUM(CASE WHEN value = 'Not assessed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
    AS 'Not assessed',
  SUM(CASE WHEN value = 'Not safety related' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
    AS 'Not safety related'
FROM period p LEFT JOIN current_value USING (n)

Recent Changes

14726 by ash on 2015-06-22 06:22:16
Add the 'multi column bar plotter' (taken from the example plotter at
14725 by ash on 2015-06-22 06:14:50
Restructure into 'trunk' and 'tags', so that releases can be baselined
14724 by rjollos on 2015-06-21 19:19:18
Modified url for plugin name change. Refs #12411.


Author: ash
Maintainer: Jon Ashley