
Version 7 (modified by Martin Scharrer, 16 years ago) (diff)


Inserts a dynamic Google Map into wiki pages


This macro lets the user insert a full dynamic Google Map. Because a lot of javascript is used (by Google) a Google Map compatible browser is needed. Newer version of Firefox and MS Internet Explorer are compatible.

For javascript-less static maps use the similar GoogleStaticMapMacro.

Please note that this is an alpha version which still lacks a lot of functionality.

Multiple Google Maps on the same wiki page are actively supported but are more likely to cause trouble.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for GoogleMapMacro are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


Download the zipped source from [download:googlemapmacro here].


You can check out GoogleMapMacro from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.

There is a develop version which can be unstable: check-out | browse

Installation & Configuration

Just copy the python file in the plugin directory of your trac installation.

A different Google Map API key is needed for every web domain which can be get for free from Google.

To enable the macro put the following into your trac.ini file, which is located in the config directory of your trac installation. You need to restart trac to reread the macro file and the configuration file.

googlemap.* = enabled

api_key = <Your Google API key (long hex number)>


Using geographic coordinates

Please use a colon, not a comma, as separator for the coordinates.


Using an address

Please use semicolons, not commas, as separators in the address.

[[GoogleMap(address="Street; City; County",zoom=10,size=400x400)]]


[[GoogleMap("Street; City; County",zoom=10,size=400x400)]]

Please note that the address is converted into coordinates by user-side javascript every time the wiki page is loaded. If this fails no map will be shown, only an empty gray rectangle.

Server side address conversion including caching is underway.

Using both

Doesn't make this much sense, but is supported anyway. This could be used as failsafe if you aren't sure if the address resolution will be successful.

[[GoogleMap(center=50.0:10.0,address="Street; City; County",zoom=10,size=400x400)]]

The given coordinates will be shown until the address is resolved, which can take a little when the user has a slow internet connection. After (and if) the address is resolved the map will be centered on it.

Recent Changes

17140 by rjollos on 2018-04-16 20:16:26
TracGoogleMapMacro 0.6: Fix unintended name change
17139 by rjollos on 2018-04-16 20:14:38
TracGoogleMapMacro 0.6: Conform to PEP8
15265 by rjollos on 2016-02-11 04:29:08
Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on js and html files

svn:mime-type was set to "plain" for many files.



Author: martin_s