Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of SiteUpgradeProposal

Jun 21, 2012, 9:13:01 PM (12 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos

An idea to make cleaning up spam easier.


  • SiteUpgradeProposal

    v8 v9  
    1010 * Spam continues to be a problem. Upgrading to the t:SpamFilter might improve the issue, but captcha used there can be frustrating experience and we don't want to risk driving away users.
    1111  * A related issue is that many tickets are created by ''anonymous'' and ''anonymous'' often does not follow-up when more information or feedback is requested. We could require users to create an account before they can create a ticket, which might cut down on newticket spam as well as these abandoned tickets.
     12  * Deleting and marking spam is tedious. After deleting the spam ticket, comment or edit; we have to navigate to the Monitoring panel on the Admin page and then manually locate the entry in the logs. It would be much easier if the `delete` button also flagged the entry as spam, and there was a delete checkbox on the logs page so that this is a one-step operation.
    1213 * There are a number projects that are no longer maintained, have been supplanted by another project and are just taking up space at this point.
    1314  * We should have a process for removing old projects. Perhaps we should have a policy of reviewing and voting on them, a notification should be placed on the page and then a prescribed waiting period elapsed before eventually deleting them. Obsolete plugins with no license would have even more reason to be deleted (see also #9805).