Changes between Version 36 and Version 37 of TicketToSalesforcePlugin

May 17, 2016, 8:08:48 PM (8 years ago)
Chris Wolf

Fix small typos in description.


  • TicketToSalesforcePlugin

    v36 v37  
    99Comment objects are related to Ticket objects via the link custom object, !TicketCommentLink. The related lists layouts are modified to display the related object fields rather then the object id.
    11 This plugin comes with some Salesforce artefacts that are installed to your Salesforce org via an Ant script, using custom Ant tasks from Salesforce. There are four custom objects - `Ticket`, `Comment`, `CaseTicketLink`, `TicketCommentLink`; and four custom layouts - `Case Layout`, `Ticket Layout`, `Comment Layout` and `TicketCommentLink Layout`. The `Case Layout` is the default, out-of-the-box `Case Layout` with an additional related list - "Tickets" appended; so if you already have a customized `Case Layout`, you may want to modify the included `package.xml` to omit the `Case Layout` and manually add the `Tickets` related list to your `Case Layout`. The three other layouts are new and can be safely added, regardless of existing customizations.
     11This plugin comes with some Salesforce artifacts that are installed to your Salesforce org via an Ant script, using custom Ant tasks from Salesforce. There are four custom objects - `Ticket`, `Comment`, `CaseTicketLink`, `TicketCommentLink`; and four custom layouts - `Case Layout`, `Ticket Layout`, `Comment Layout` and `TicketCommentLink Layout`. The `Case Layout` is the default, out-of-the-box `Case Layout` with an additional related list - "Tickets" appended; so if you already have a customized `Case Layout`, you may want to modify the included `package.xml` to omit the `Case Layout` and manually add the `Tickets` related list to your `Case Layout`. The three other layouts are new and can be safely added, regardless of existing customizations.
    13 The "migration tool" is just a set of Salesforce-specific Ant tasks which use the metadata API to upload/download artefacts, such as custom objects, etc.
     13The "migration tool" is just a set of Salesforce-specific Ant tasks which use the metadata API to upload/download artifacts, such as custom objects, etc.
    1515An Ant script is provided to perform the deployment. You need to acquire the ''ant-salesforce.jar'' by following these steps: