Changes between Version 61 and Version 62 of TracHoursPlugin

Aug 10, 2016, 5:36:35 AM (8 years ago)



  • TracHoursPlugin

    v61 v62  
    1818This plugin helps to keep track of hours worked on tickets. This is an alternative to TimingAndEstimationPlugin, but with a different approach:
    20  * Instead of adding hours only via ticket fields, there is a separate view for managing ticket hours. `/hours/<ticket number>` displays the accrued hours for a particular ticket with a timeline-like view, but should also allow adding of new hours (by default, on "today", but this should be changeable via dropdown menus for day, month, year, etc), editing previously entered hours (amount, date, description) and deleting previously alloted hours if you have the appropriate permissions (`TICKET_ADD_HOURS` for your own hours, `TRAC_ADMIN` for the hours of others).
     20 * Instead of adding hours only via ticket fields, there is a separate view for managing ticket hours. `/hours/<ticket number>` displays the accrued hours for a particular ticket with a timeline-like view, but should also allow adding of new hours (by default, on "today", but this should be changeable via dropdown menus for day, month, year, etc), editing previously entered hours (amount, date, description) and deleting previously allotted hours if you have the appropriate permissions (`TICKET_ADD_HOURS` for your own hours, `TRAC_ADMIN` for the hours of others).
    2121 * A management and query view is at `/hours`. This view displays the hours for all tickets for a given time period (last week, by default) in a way that combines the query interface for querying tickets and the timeline display for hours on the tickets in the time period. Query filters are available to find hours for people, hours for tickets of a certain component, etc.
    2222 * Hours are uniquely assigned to tickets and people.
    6262=== TracHoursSidebarProvider
    64 The `TracHoursSidebarProvider` component uses the TicketSidebarProviderPlugin (if enabled) to add a form to each ticket for direct addition of hours to the ticket.  Hours will be logged as the authenticated user and comments will not be made.
     64The `TracHoursSidebarProvider` component uses the TicketSidebarProviderPlugin (if enabled) to add a form to each ticket for direct addition of hours to the ticket. Hours will be logged as the authenticated user and comments will not be made.
    66 [[Image(hours-ticket-sidebar.png, border=1)]]
     66[[Image(hours-ticket-sidebar.png, border=2)]]
    6868=== TracHoursByComment
    7676The multiproject report breaks down hours by project and worker giving row and column totals. If there are no hours for a project, then that project will not be shown.
    78 [[Image(multiprojecthours.png, border=1)]]
     78[[Image(multiprojecthours.png, border=2)]]
    8080== Bugs/Feature Requests