
Version 7 (modified by figaro, 9 years ago) (diff)

Cosmetic changes

Trac plugin l10n (localization)


Trac 0.12 was the first release providing Trac with message texts for various languages. Meanwhile, current stable Trac 1.0 has been released, and even translations for TracIni options are supported now:

Top translations: Trac » trunk

Trac 1.0 interface localization:

Trac 1.0 Javascript localization:

Trac.ini 1.0 localization:

Charts kindly provided by, based on the content of the catalogs uploaded there, which should correspond to the content of the catalogs in the repository.


Translating plugin message texts as well is a logical consequence of Trac supporting i18n/l10n. But this is a big challenge for a Trac plugin maintainer. The translator might be able to:

  1. internationalize the messages inside the plugin code (i18n) and even
  2. translate into message catalogs

for only a couple of languages, because of the effort involved. However, Trac supports many more languages.


'We', this is a team of volunteers using Transifex as part of our workflow. Coming from different places our work is dedicated to localization of Trac plugins. And you're welcome to join us. It doesn't matter, if you're a skilled translator or a l10n newbie. Once registered with Transifex you have the chance to contribute to translations to many projects. The Trac plugin l10n project is just one of them.


There is a twofold offer: for maintainers of Trac plugins as well as for translators including Trac users in general that are willing to contribute.

Internationalization (I18N)

We'll support i18n efforts as well as do it on our own. If you're about to start on your own, fine. However this might still be a hard job, especially at the first try. Please have a look at the l10n cookbook page for Trac plugins.

We'd like to help with i18n issues, if requested and as much as our spare time permits. You could ask here, or write me directly.

Localization (L10N)

We'll pick existing message catalogs on our own. But maintainers are free to participate actively by sending in

  • current POT files for translation as well as
  • existing PO files for central distribution and review at Transifex.

To provide a uniform way for contributions to a bunch of Trac plugins, there is a special Transifex project backed by a dedicated Mercurial repository at

For announcing i18n capability as well as available translations and way to contribute via this project at Transifex please consider adding a dedicated i18n/l10n section to the plugin's wiki page. Consider SubticketsPlugin's page as a good and re-usable example.


Good translations respect a number of rules especially when it comes to Trac terms. These are part of agreements per language, and agreements may be subject to disputes. Some Trac tickets are dedicated to translation coordination.

Additionally Trac plugin maintainers might provide their own hints like richard did for his TracTicketTemplatePlugin. See the translator section of the l10n cookbook page for Trac plugins for more details. And look at existing coordination pages for an number of languages here as well as other pages around the official Trac L10N wiki page.


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