
Version 20 (modified by Ryan J Ollos, 12 years ago) (diff)

Minor clarification.

Hudson Trac Integration Plugin (works also for Jenkins)


Integrate Hudson or the actual fork Jenkins build results into the Trac timeline and (optionally) provide a navbar menu to link to the Hudson instance.

This plugin works very similar to the LuntbuildTracIntegration plugin and the Trac Continuum plugin. The build results are obtained from the Hudson remote API.

Note: as of version 0.4 this plugin requires Hudson 1.367 or later; if you are running an earlier version of Hudson then you'll need to grab r7912 instead.

For additional integration between Trac and Jenkins see Jenkins Trac Plugin and Jenkins Trac Publisher Plugin.

Screenshot of timeline with a couple hudson builds, the "Hudson Builds" checkbox, and the "Builds" menu item


As with all plugins, you must enable it explicitly, either via Trac's UI (Admin -> General -> Plugins) or by directly editing the trac.ini:

hudsontrac.* = enabled

There are 11 options you can configure in your trac.ini under the section [hudson] (if you have the IniAdminPlugin installed they will show up on the Trac Admin page under hudson):

The url of the top-level hudson page if you want to display all jobs in the timeline, or a job or module url if you want only display builds from a single job or module. Examples: http://localhost/hudson/ (for builds from all jobs), http://localhost/hudson/job/build_foo/ (for builds from the build_foo job only). The default is http://localhost/hudson/.
The username to use when accessing hudson; leave empty if no authentication is needed. Default is empty.
The password to use when accessing hudson; leave empty if no authentication is needed. Default is empty.
If set to true then display the builds of individual modules in the timeline too; otherwise only builds of jobs are displayed. Default is false.
The url of the hudson page to link to from the trac mainnav; if empty, no entry is created in the mainnav. Example: /hudson/. The default is /hudson/.
If set to true then open the above hudson page in a new tab (or window) instead of in the current tab/window. Not used if main_page is not set. Default is false.
Display a green ball instead of the standard blue one for successful builds. Default is false.
Whether to display the build descriptions for each build instead of the canned "Build finished successfully" etc messages. Default is true.
If true, builds that have started but not yet completed will also be displayed in the timeline.
If set to true then each build entry in the timeline will also list all the changesets that triggered the build.
Display the culprit(s) for each build. This is a comma-separated list of zero or more of the following tokens: starter, author, authors, culprit, culprits. starter is the user that started the build, if any; author is the author of the first commit, if any; authors is the list of authors of all commits; culprit is the first of what hudson thinks are the culprits that caused the build; and culprits is the list of all culprits. If this option is a list, the first non-empty value is used. Example: starter,authors (this would show who started the build if it was started manually, else list the authors of the commits that triggered the build if any, else show no author for the build).

Example trac.ini (not necessary if using the defaults):

job_url = http://localhost/hudson/job/build_foo/
main_page = /hudson/job/build_foo/
alternate_success_icon = true

Lastly, make sure you assign users the BUILD_VIEW permission in order for them to be able to see the builds in the timeline.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for HudsonTracPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.

Download and Source

Download the [download:hudsontracplugin zipped source], check out using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.

Upgrade Notes

If you are upgrading from version 0.3 of this plugin (pre r9467) then make sure you're running Hudson 1.367 or later.

If you are upgrading from version 0.2 of this plugin (pre r6683) then you will need to make the following changes:

  • the feed_url option has been replaced by the job_url option; the latter points to the top-level hudson page or to a job page, not an RSS feed anymore.
  • the display_subprojects has been renamed display_modules
  • you must assign users the BUILD_VIEW permission in order for them to see the builds
  • The python-feedparser library is no longer required.

Recent Changes

18615 by stoecker on 2024-01-16 12:02:42
fix #14270 - python2/3 str/bytes issue
18586 by stoecker on 2023-11-04 20:35:38
HudsonTracPlugin: add link
18585 by stoecker on 2023-11-04 20:29:40
add ConfigSection


Author: roadrunner
Maintainer: roadrunner

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