
Version 11 (modified by figaro, 8 years ago) (diff)

Cosmetic changes, tagged with nolicense

A Trac plugin for export of wiki pages to MS Word


The aim of the plugin is to transform a wiki page so that it can be imported using the HTML import capability of MS Word. After that, a format template can be applied, and the text might be copied into a document template.

The plugin works as follows:

  • Asks Trac to generate the HTML.
  • Cleanup and validation using HTML Tidy.
  • Transformation using a XSLT stylesheet.
  • Offering a zip file with wiki page and images for downloading.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for PageToDocIntegration are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


19 / 22


0 / 1


Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out PageToDocIntegration from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.



  • HTML Tidy Install HTML Tidy (Windows:
  • XSLTProc Make sure xsltproc is available. If not, install from (Windows:
    • From the linked page Click Downloads and download iconv, libxslt, libxml2, zlib
    • Test that it has been installed correctly by running xsltproc (it should output a help page)
    • On windows - the binaries for all the XSLTProc tools either need to be in one directory (if this directory is not on the search path then please specify the xsltprocpath configuration setting)

PageToDocIntegration Plugin

  • Use PageToDocIntegration
  • or
    • Download or checkout the source
    • Compile the plugin bdist_egg
    • Copy the .egg file into your Trac Environment plugins directory
  • Save the XSLT stylesheet onto your disk.
  • Create the following section in your trac.ini (modify path):
    xsltfile = /path/to/your/xsltfile.xslt
  • Install plugin.
    • The same can be done by adding the following line to the [components] section of your trac.ini file e.g.
      PageToDoc.* = enabled

Please enter feedback and bugs (good idea to email me also - see my email address at the bottom of this page).


Configuration options are applied in trac\environment\path\conf\trac.ini and the parameters are in the [pagetodoc] section (which you will need to add as documented in the installation instructions).

xsltfile (Required) The path to the XSLT file to use for transforming the wiki HTML output. Specify the filepath of html_filtered.xslt shipped with PageToDocIntegration
tidypath (Optional) Path to tidy executable. If left empty then the executable search path is used.
Added in [5406] hoping it helps to resolve issues like #4396
xsltprocpath (Optional) Path to xlstproc executable. If left empty then the executable search path is used.
Added in [5406] hoping it helps to resolve issues like #4396
replace_host (Optional) Two strings separated by a comma. A replace operation is performed on the image URL finding the first part and replacing with the 2nd part.
Added in [5401] hoping it fixes #3507
img_max_x (Optional) max image width? Used to calculate if image needs to be resized. Default is 0
img_max_y (Optional) max image height? Used to calculate if image needs to be resized. Default is 0
dpi (Optional) dots per inch? Used to calculate if image needs to be resized. Default is 96
xsltfile = /path/to/your/xsltfile.xslt
replace_host = man-wwl-sw, localhost
xsltprocpath = path/to/xsltproc.exe
tidypath = /path/to/tidy.exe
img_max_x = 500
img_max_y = 200
dpi = 96


Once installed, a new entry shows up below the Download in other formats section at the end of the page. Click and save to disk. Extract and open with Word.

Recent Changes

16518 by rjollos on 2017-04-16 01:49:04
Fix indentation
7642 by markm on 2010-02-18 09:38:54
Fixed spelling errors regarding xslt (was xlst)
7641 by markm on 2010-02-18 09:36:38
The order of the parameters to xsltproc were wrong.


Author: lei
Maintainer: markm (mark dot m dot mcmahon at gmail dot com) (please email me if you encounter a bug)