Posts by author athomas

Upgrading TracHacks to 0.11

TracHacks will be intermittently offline over the next week or so while I upgrade to Trac 0.11.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

HTTPS is back baby!

HTTPS is back!

TracHacks has moved is now living on a new, shinier server. If you notice any problems, let me know.

If you use https to access TracHacks you may be experiencing some difficulties. SVN over https is currently not working, so please switch to http until this is rectified:

$ svn switch --relocate

Stability problems

As you may have noticed, TracHacks has been having some stability problems. The server itself is experiencing massive I/O wait which causes some requests to time out, and users to receive 500 errors. Please bear with us as we investigate and try to resolve the problem.

Update: A new server is on its way and we should be migrated by the end of this week. Your patience is appreciated.

Bandwidth/connection throttling

To reduce the impact of people copying TracHacks (what the?!?) I've enabled bandwidth and connection throttling. This should only impact you if you're hammering the site, but please let me know if it is causing problems.

Added hack listing version filtering

The hack listing can now be filtered by version, with 0.10 and anyrelease the default set.

Using Pygments for highlighting

TracHacks is now using the TracPygmentsPlugin for all highlighting. Pygments is awesome! Thanks to mgood and mitsuhiko respectively.

Repository search upgraded

The repository search on TracHacks is now using the pyndexter branch. The index is only updated hourly but there should no longer be large delays when initiating a search.

TracHacks migrated to PostgreSQL

Thanks to the tireless efforts of pacopablo, TracHacks has been migrated to PostgreSQL. This should give us increased stability and scalability in the future. Thanks paco :)

TagsPlugin Subversion dump imported

The TagsPlugin Subversion dump has been imported into TracHacks' repository. Because the dump timestamps are in the past but the revisions are not the TracHacks timeline will be a bit fruity. Please ignore.

Akismet spam filter disabled

The Akismet master has been summarily rejecting all ticket changes. The Akismet spam filter has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Wiki page as PDF plugin enabled

Since [t3305], Trac's trunk has included an interface for plugins to register content converters (note that this API is still in flux).

I've subsequently created a PageToPdfPlugin which is now enabled on TracHacks.

Ditched mod_python for mod_fastcgi

Phase one of the migration away from Apache+mod_python to lighttpd+fcgi is complete: mod_python is gone in favour of mod_fastcgi.

When I can gather the courage to migrate the Apache configuration, I'll complete the process.

If you notice any fruitiness, let me know.

Request-a-Hack poll is now automated

All Request-a-Hack tickets will automatically be added to the poll on the main page. This uses the PollMacro's query: feature.

Large improvement in repository search performance on TracHacks

I've upgraded TracHacks installed version of RepoSearchPlugin to latest trunk, which gives about a 60-70% performance improvement during indexing. The repository search is only available for registered users.

The idea of allowing searching of the TracHacks repository is that people can quickly find examples of how to use Trac's API. eg. searching for the ISearchSource interface.

TracBlogPlugin for news

I'm now using the TracBlogPlugin for posting news to the front page. Nice work pacopablo.

ZIP downloads in the source browser

I have once more updated to the latest Trac trunk. This version brings with it the ability to download branches of the source tree as ZIP files, from within the source browser! Consequently, I have removed the post-commit hook that was generating the download zips.